White Aparajita (Butterfly Pea)

The butterfly pea plant, Clitoria ternatea, is a tropical, perennial, and climbing vine that blooms in the summer mostly grown for its flowers.

Not only are these flowers are stunning, but they also offer the additional benefit of being edible.

This plant also produce long flat pods containing six to ten peas, which are edible when harvested young.

The delightful blooms are renowned for creating a calming tea, believed to soothe nerves and enhance memory function.

Quantity: 15 seeds


White Aparajita (Butterfly Pea)

White Butterfly Pea Growing and Plant Care

  • Seed Sowing: Sow anytime of year after soaking the seeds for 24 hours in lukewarm water.
  • Light: White butterfly pea plants require bright, direct sunlight. Choose locations with minimal shade from overhead canopies or neighboring plants.
  • Soil: These plants thrive in fertile, slightly sandy soil with good drainage.
  • Water: Seedlings benefit from approximately 1 inch of water per week.
  • Temperature and Humidity: White butterfly pea plants prefer tropical conditions with moist air. Indoor plants benefit from regular misting to increase humidity levels. It do well during monsoon.
  • Fertilizer: Incorporate well-aged manure, compost, or a balanced NPK fertilizer at planting.
  • Harvesting: White butterfly pea plants are grown for their flowers rather than edible peas. Flowers open for a day or two and can be harvested fresh, wilted, or dried.